Dr Yahya Lavaf-Pour

Senior Lecturer in Architecture

Dr Lavaf is a researcher interested in a wide range of topics related to architectural form-finding and the environment. His research explores geometrical implications in architectural design spanning from spatial sensibility to pragmatic aspect of design, in particular, responsiveness to the environment and pre-existing conditions. Yahya’s research pursues Integral Theory in architecture; using architectural form as the capacity to entangle spiritual aspect of the design with intelligent technologies. He has worked on funded research projects in Malaysia, Hong Kong and UK. Currently, Yahya is investigating the impact of architectural form and daylighting on users’ emotional perception and the incorporation of emotional indices into computer simulation tools to design integral sustainable buildings under future weather scenarios. As part of his pedagogic research, he is interested in experimental Form Finding methods adopted from Vkhutemas School of architecture, in particular, the course "Space" developed by the Soviet Avant-Garde architect Nikolai Ladovsky.


Anna Nikolaidou


Dr Fidel Meraz