Crowd Simulation
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Author Aashish Javiya
Many densely populated cities today face problems such as traffic congestion and lack of public space due to land restrictions. The two main users of urban roads are, pedestrians and vehicles. As a result, pedestrian safety is compromised, especially in commercial areas of large cities. A shift in perspective raises the awareness that pedestrian traffic is just as important as vehicle traffic. Less traffic moderately limits travel speeds, but gives pedestrians a safer and more peaceful route to their destination. Safety and comfort are two important factors when it comes to pedestrian traffic. With these key aspects in mind, this study provides academic research for improving pedestrian facilities through an objective analysis of Bristol's existing King Street. Pedestrian traffic congestion and lack of public pedestrian space are some of the problems facing King Street due to chaotic road infrastructure and parking. In this portfolio, simulation to generate organic human circulatory patterns, interpret these patterns as input for the study, and generate an effective flow of busy pedestrian movement based on this algorithm by examine computational methodologies and analytical techniques.